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Cockroaches: How Do They Get In? Cockroaches Enter Homes in 7 Different Ways.

Writer's picture: Marcus GMarcus G

pest control vector

How do cockroaches enter your home?

Surprise! You have a cockroach problem. Need a pest control company for cockroaches? It's reasonable to feel insulted after making this terrible discovery. But, you might argue, "my house is so clean." My doors self-close and are never left open. My windows have screens on them. What went wrong in my attempt to keep roaches out? "

It's not you who's at fault; it's them. Cockroaches are prevalent in Florida, with the German cockroach, the American cockroach, the Turkestan cockroach, the Surinam cockroach, and the Brow banded cockroach is the most common. Cockroaches, regardless of species, are extremely cunning when it comes to infiltrating homes and other structures. Cockroaches can and will enter your home in a variety of ways, despite your best efforts and meticulous cleanliness. Cockroaches enter houses in a variety of ways, and there are steps you may take to prevent them from doing so.

Remember that these are precautionary measures. If you observe more than a few roaches, it's likely that they've moved in close. Continue reading for additional information on how to cope with an existing population.

Newspapers and corrugated cardboard

Cockroaches have a strong attraction to paper for a very precise reason. They communicate with one another by secreting chemical pheromones, which are absorbed by the paper. In essence, paper aids cockroaches in locating and organizing themselves.

Replace any cardboard boxes with plastic bins, and do not bring or keep cardboard products inside. Do not keep newspaper stacks indoors or outside the house; instead, recycle them!


Cockroaches are adept at crawling in and out of drains and pipes; this is particularly problematic in apartment buildings, where drain pipes serve as highways connecting units. Cockroaches thrive in Florida's heat (in fact, they hide and do not develop or reproduce at temps below 45°F), so late spring and summer are the best times to be on the lookout for them.

What to Do: Cover all sink and shower drains in the house with stoppers and metal baskets. If you have a bathroom shower or a laundry room sink that isn't utilized on a regular basis, close it entirely while it's not in use. Above all, keep all drains as clean as possible!

Foundation Cracks and Exterior Wall Cracks

Despite the fact that cockroaches can grow to be rather large, certain species can squeeze through gaps and crevices as small as 1/16 of an inch! This means that any cracks in a building's foundation or outer walls invite roaches in. Roaches will also be able to enter through any gaps surrounding pipes, windows, vents, and other openings.

What to do: Use a caulking gun to plug any gaps you find to prevent roaches from entering through cracks. Steel wool, copper mesh, and weather stripping can all be used to seal fissures.

Behind Closed Doors

Because some cockroach species are attracted to the lights coming from inside illuminated buildings, and the tiny spaces are often large enough for them to slip through, this is one of the most common points of entry for cockroaches.

What to Do: Replace any white light bulbs near doorways with yellow lights to reduce the appeal. You can add door sweeps on the bottom edge of the doors to provide a seal between the door and the threshold.

Baggage and clothing

Cockroaches hide in plain sight in paper shopping bags, briefcases, handbags, backpacks, and other personal belongings. Cockroach eggs have been known to make their way inside.

What to Do: While it's nearly impossible to monitor everything that enters the house for cockroaches or their eggs, reducing the use of paper bags and washing them periodically can help.

Pet Food (Dry)

Cockroaches aren't fussy when it comes to what they eat. It's possible that your bag of dry puppy or kitten food is attracting the cockroaches.

What to Do: Before bringing pet food into the house, don't store it in garages or sheds. Once you've got it inside, store it in a plastic airtight container instead of the opened packing.

Firewood that has been seasoned

If you have an indoor fireplace and bring bundles of cut firewood into the house on a regular basis, be on the lookout for cockroaches. Cockroaches can also be found in and around wood.

What to Do: Only bring enough firewood for one fire inside; don't store the rest in your indoor living space. Also, avoid leaving huge amounts of firewood outside year after year since this can serve as a breeding ground for cockroaches.

Dealing with Infestations that Have Already Existed

Roaches almost never work alone. It's likely there's a larger colony nearby if you notice them darting around your yard or find more than an occasional visitor inside. Taking care of that population initially will result in fewer pests attempting to enter your home. The species determines where they reside, what conditions they prefer, and how quickly they reproduce.

A Broad Approach

Remove or reduce the number of potential food, water, and shelter sources on your land. Keep your lawn in good shape and inspect your irrigation system for leaks or over-watering. Make sure your property is treated on a regular basis to get rid of any existing pests and deter new ones from getting in. Most homes have a few aspects that the pests prefer, such as irrigation boxes and j-trim, so correctly treating these places makes a huge difference. For this reason, it is especially true if you live near a greenbelt, retention basin, alley, or other open spaces where they can easily reside and breed. Our Port Orange pest control programs accomplish all of this and more.

The Instigator

German Roaches are a well-known exception to most of what has been mentioned here. Minor light brown roaches frequently hitchhike into your home and reside in small cracks in kitchen cabinets and appliances. They're not only difficult to locate and reach, but they're also one of the most prolific breeders, growing from a baby to a parent in less than a month.

If you believe you have a German roach infestation, we strongly advise that you seek professional pest control assistance. DIY treatments for German roaches rarely work because to the species' behavior, the nature of most over-the-counter roach medicines, and the requirement for a more aggressive approach.The Bug Man German roach treatment technique reduces the population by 90% or more in just one treatment, with follow-up visits to ensure the entire population is eradicated. If you have any questions, please call us.


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Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00pm

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