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Brown Patch Fungus – Everything You Need to Know About It!

Writer's picture: Marcus GMarcus G

Are you under the impression that the brown patch on your grass requires more water? Maybe the lawn is not getting enough sunlight? However, none of these options are correct. Please be advised that we have a fungal infection outbreak in our midst. The fungus in question is known as brown patch fungus.

A decreasing turf problem is an infection by a single fungal pathogen species, Rhizoctonia, brown patch fungus, also known as large patch disease. It mainly appears in the middle to late summer whenever the weather is warm and humid, creating ideal circumstances for the fungus to thrive.

Identification of Lawn Fungus

The strangest thing about the brown patch is that it does not begin life as brown. A circular or rectangular pattern of light-yellow discoloration emerges in your grass, which is one of the first symptoms of something wrong with your lawn. Finally, the affected area will transition from orange to tan in color. It will continue to grow outward, occasionally leaving little green patches in the center of the field. The discoloration occurs because the fungus infects each leaf and causes them to decay.

It can damage all cool-season grasses, but it is particularly detrimental to ryegrass and tall fescue, which are both susceptible to the disease. Besides St. Augustine grass and Bermuda grass, the brown patch can harm a range of hot seasoned grasses, including zoysiagrass and bermudagrass.

It is too late to do anything once you see a brown area because the damage is already done, and the fungus is flourishing. Knowing the fungus's location in your soil, where it can not be seen with the naked eye, is critical to remove the brown patch properly. When the circumstances are ideal, the fungus strikes, highlighting the importance of preventative precautions.

Prevention of Brown Patches in Lawn

The fungus thrives when your grass is damp for 48 hours or more, making mid-late summer the optimal time for it to develop. However, the damage may occur in the fall due to its presence. The problem is exacerbated even further by excessive irrigation, rainfall, and humid climates. Proper water management is essential to get rid of brown patches. Always use drought-relief irrigation in combination with rainfall. Rain sensors and smart controllers resolve these problems, as they ensure that you do not overwater.

It is one of the most challenging aspects of treating brown patches since the fungus is likely to reappear in lawns that have already been affected by the disease. Your landscape partner may recommend a preventative fungicide application in the fall. He will suggest you go for follow-up applications regularly as the weather cools. Suppose your lawn is prone to brown patches yearly. In that case, your landscape partner will likely recommend a pre-emergent fungicide application in the spring.

Although you have protected your lawn, it is still essential to be on the lookout. Brown patches can stay dormant in the soil for years until they find the right conditions to grow again. A temperature rise might reduce the infection. However, it may appear later once the weather improves.

Keeping Lawn Fungus in Check

It would help if you were relieved to learn that your turf can recover from a brown spot. There is still bad news. To witness an improvement in the look, you may need to wait until the active growing season. However, areas that have decayed will require regrowth, even after applying fungicide spray to help limit the spread of the infection.

In the meantime, ensure precautions that the fungus does not spread to healthy areas of the lawn. It is recommended not to mow infected regions because it may cause unhealthy clippings to settle elsewhere, transmitting the infection further. You should also avoid foot traffic over the area to prevent the spores from being transported by your shoes and boots. Finally, it is critical not to fertilize during an outbreak. Although you will nourish your lawn, you will also feed the fungus.

Various factors can cause brown or yellow patches on your lawn; therefore, it is critical to have your grass evaluated by a qualified local lawn spray company. The correct therapy is crucial if a brown patch is confirmed. It could worsen if you try to diagnose and treat yourself. The treatment of brown patches is something that our professionals are familiar with. They can assist you in making the process as stress-free as possible. You can also contact us at



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